This function enables to export the table created with report.quali
or report.lsmeans
to a Microsoft Word or a R markdown document.
It's also possible to use report.doc to have a preview of the table in HTML format if the doc
argument is NULL.
For more examples see the website: ClinReport website
report.doc(table, ...) # S3 method for desc report.doc(table, title = NULL, colspan.value = NULL, doc = NULL, init.numbering = F, numbering = T, = "Times", page.break = T, font.size = 10, valign = F, ...) # S3 method for anova report.doc(table, title = "Anova table", type.anova = 3, doc = NULL, numbering = T, init.numbering = F, = "Times", font.size = 10, page.break = T, pretty.label = FALSE, ...)
table | A desc object that report statistics (the results of |
... | Other arguments |
title | Character. The title of the table |
colspan.value | Character. Add the label of the x1 variable levels (typically "Treatment Groups") |
doc | NULL or a rdocx object |
init.numbering | Logical. If TRUE Start numbering of the output at 1, otherwise it increase the output numbering of 1 unit |
numbering | Logical. If TRUE Output numbers are added before the title. | | Character. Passed to |
page.break | Logical. If TRUE it adds a page break after the output. Default to TRUE |
font.size | Numeric. Passed to |
valign | Logical. If TRUE it aligns vertically the levels of the merged cells in the first column |
type.anova | Passed to |
pretty.label | Logical. Default to FALSE. If TRUE, use the function |
anova | Logical. Used to specify if the table is an anova table. By default it's not |
A flextable object (if doc=NULL) or a rdocx object (if doc= an rdocx object).
This function creates a flextable object from a desc object.
For Microsoft Word documents:
The argument doc
should be used so the flextable is added to a rdocx object.
For R markdown documents:
Just don't use the doc
argument. Something like:
```{r, include=TRUE}
##################### # Import libraries ##################### library(officer) library(flextable) library(reshape2) library(emmeans) library(lme4) library(nlme) library(ggplot2) library(car)#>#>#> #> #> #> #>library(xtable)#> #>#>#> #>#> y_numeric y_logistic y_poisson baseline VAR GROUP TIMEPOINT SUBJID #> 1 -0.4203490 1 5 -0.4203490 Cat 1 A D0 Subj 1 #> 2 -0.1570941 1 5 -0.1570941 Cat 2 A D0 Subj 1 #> 3 NA 0 3 -2.0853720 Cat 2 A D0 Subj 1 #> 4 -0.4728527 0 5 -0.4728527 Cat 1 A D0 Subj 1 #> 5 -0.8651713 1 4 -0.8651713 Cat 1 A D0 Subj 1 #> 6 -1.5476907 1 3 -1.5476907 Cat 1 A D0 Subj 1# Removing baseline data for the model data.mod=droplevels(datafake[datafake$TIMEPOINT!="D0",]) ##################### # Create your stats tables and graphics ##################### # Quatitative stats (2 explicative variables) ################################## # since it's a big enough table, we don't want it to overlap 2 pasges # so we split it in two with split.desc function tab1=report.quanti(data=datafake,y="y_numeric", x1="GROUP",x2="TIMEPOINT",at.row="TIMEPOINT",subjid="SUBJID") s=split(tab1,variable="TIMEPOINT",at=3) tab1.1=s$x1 tab1.2=s$x2 gg=plot(tab1,title="Mean response evolution as a function of time by treatment group", legend.label="Treatment groups",ylab="Y mean") # Qualitative stats (2 explicative variables) ################################## tab2=report.quali(data=datafake,y="y_logistic", x1="GROUP",x2="TIMEPOINT",at.row="TIMEPOINT",total=TRUE,subjid="SUBJID") gg2=plot(tab2,title="Response distribution (%) by day and treatment group", legend.label="Y levels") # Qualitative stats (no explicative variable) ################################### tab3=report.quali(data=datafake,y="VAR",y.label="Whatever") # Qualitative stats (no explicative variables ; add number of subjects in header)# tab4=report.quali(data=datafake,y="VAR",y.label="Whatever", subjid="SUBJID") # Qualitative stats (1 explicative variable)####################################### tab5=report.quali(data=datafake,y="VAR",y.label="Whatever",x1="GROUP", subjid="SUBJID") # Quantitative stats (1 explicative variable)####################################### tab6=report.quanti(data=datafake,y="y_numeric",y.label="Whatever 2",x1="GROUP", subjid="SUBJID") # Quali-Quanti table tab5.6=regroup(tab5,tab6) # Linear model (order 2 interaction): Anova and LS-Means reporting ################ mod1=lm(y_numeric~baseline+GROUP+TIMEPOINT+GROUP*TIMEPOINT,data=data.mod) test1=emmeans(mod1,~GROUP|TIMEPOINT) anov1=Anova(mod1) tab.mod1=report.lsmeans(lsm=test1) gg.mod1=plot(tab.mod1,title="LS-Means response evolution as a function of time\n by treatment group (95% CI)", legend.label="Treatment groups",ylab="Y mean", # Linear model (1 group only): Anova and LS-Means and graph reporting ################ mod2=lm(y_numeric~baseline+GROUP,data=data.mod) anov2=Anova(mod2,type=3) test2=emmeans(mod2,~GROUP) tab.mod2=report.lsmeans(lsm=test2) gg.mod2=plot(tab.mod2,title="LS-Means response\nby treatment group (95% CI)", legend.label="Treatment groups",ylab="Y mean", # Linear mixed model (order 2 interaction): # Anova and LS-Means and graph reporting ################# mod3=lme(y_numeric~baseline+GROUP+TIMEPOINT+GROUP*TIMEPOINT, random=~1|SUBJID,data=data.mod,na.action=na.omit) anov3=Anova(mod3,3) test3=emmeans(mod3,~GROUP|TIMEPOINT) tab.mod3=report.lsmeans(lsm=test3) gg.mod3=plot(tab.mod3,title="LS-Means response evolution as a function of time\n by treatment group (95% CI Mixed model)", legend.label="Treatment groups",ylab="Y mean", # Contrast example contr=contrast(test3, "trt.vs.ctrl", ref = "A") tab.mod3.contr=report.lsmeans(lsm=contr) gg.mod3.contr=plot(tab.mod3.contr,title="LS-Means contrast versus reference A\n (95% CI Mixed model)", legend.label="Treatment groups",ylab="Y mean",,add.line=FALSE) ############################################################ # Generalized Logistic Linear model (order 2 interaction): ############################################################ # Anova LS-Means and graph reporting ########## mod4=glm(y_logistic~baseline+GROUP+TIMEPOINT+GROUP*TIMEPOINT, family=binomial,data=data.mod,na.action=na.omit) anov4=Anova(mod4,3) test4=emmeans(mod4,~GROUP|TIMEPOINT) tab.mod4=report.lsmeans(lsm=test4,at.row="TIMEPOINT") gg.mod4=plot(tab.mod4,title="LS-Means response evolution as a function of time\n by treatment group (95% CI Logistic model)", legend.label="Treatment groups",ylab="Y mean", # Generalized Poisson Linear model (order 2 interaction): # Anova LS-Means and graph reporting #' mod5=glm(y_poisson~baseline+GROUP+TIMEPOINT+GROUP*TIMEPOINT, family=poisson,data=data.mod,na.action=na.omit) anov5=Anova(mod5,3) test5=emmeans(mod5,~GROUP|TIMEPOINT) tab.mod5=report.lsmeans(lsm=test5,at.row="TIMEPOINT") gg.mod5=plot(tab.mod5,title="LS-Means response evolution as a function of time\n by treatment group (95% CI Poisson model)", legend.label="Treatment groups",ylab="Y mean", ##################### # Create your report ##################### doc=read_docx() doc=body_add_toc(doc) doc=body_add_par(doc,"A beautiful reporting using ClinReport", style = "heading 1") doc=body_add_par(doc,"Descriptive statistics", style = "heading 2") doc=report.doc(tab1.1,title="Quantitative statistics (2 explicative variables) (Table 1/2)", colspan.value="Treatment group",doc=doc,init.numbering=TRUE, page.break=FALSE) doc=report.doc(tab1.2,title="Quantitative statistics (2 explicative variables) (Table 2/2)", colspan.value="Treatment group",doc=doc) doc=body_add_par(doc,"Corresponding graphic of outputs 1 & 2", style ="Normal") doc=body_add_gg(doc, value = gg, style = "centered" ) doc=body_add_break(doc) doc=report.doc(tab2,title="Qualitative statistics (2 explicative variables)", colspan.value="Treatment group",doc=doc) doc=report.doc(tab2,title="The same with smaller font size", colspan.value="Treatment group",doc=doc,font.size=8) doc=body_add_par(doc,"Corresponding graphic of output 3", style ="Normal") doc=body_add_gg(doc, value = gg2, style = "centered" ) doc=body_add_break(doc) doc=body_add_par(doc,"Example of mixing qualitative and quantitative statistics with the function regroup", style ="Normal") doc=report.doc(tab5.6,title="Quali-Qanti statistics (1 variable only)",doc=doc) doc=body_add_par(doc,"Statistical model results", style = "heading 2") doc=body_add_par(doc,"Model 1", style = "heading 3") doc=body_add_par(doc,"Anova table example", style = "Normal") doc=report.doc(anov1,doc=doc) doc=body_add_par(doc,"LS-Means example", style = "Normal") doc=report.doc(tab.mod1,title="Linear Model LS-Means results using lm with interactions", colspan.value="Treatment group",doc=doc) doc=body_add_gg(doc, value = gg.mod1, style = "centered" ) doc=body_add_break(doc) doc=body_add_par(doc,"Model 2", style = "heading 3") doc=report.doc(anov2,doc=doc) doc=report.doc(tab.mod2,title="Linear Model LS-Means results using lm without interaction", colspan.value="Treatment group",doc=doc) doc=body_add_gg(doc, value = gg.mod2, style = "centered" ) doc=body_add_break(doc) doc=body_add_par(doc,"Model 3", style = "heading 3") doc=report.doc(anov3,doc=doc) doc=report.doc(tab.mod3,title="Linear Mixed Model LS-Means results using lme", colspan.value="Treatment group",doc=doc) doc=body_add_gg(doc, value = gg.mod3, style = "centered" ) doc=body_add_break(doc) doc=report.doc(tab.mod3.contr,title="LS-Means Contrast example", colspan.value="Timepoints",doc=doc) doc=body_add_gg(doc, value = gg.mod3.contr, style = "centered" ) doc=body_add_break(doc) doc=body_add_par(doc,"Model 4", style = "heading 3") doc=report.doc(anov4,doc=doc) doc=report.doc(tab.mod4,title="Generalized Linear Mixed Model LS-Means results using glm", colspan.value="Treatment group",doc=doc) doc=body_add_gg(doc, value = gg.mod4, style = "centered" ) doc=body_add_break(doc) doc=body_add_par(doc,"Model 5", style = "heading 3") doc=report.doc(anov5,doc=doc) doc=report.doc(tab.mod5,title="Poisson Model LS-Means results", colspan.value="Treatment group",doc=doc) doc=body_add_gg(doc, value = gg.mod5, style = "centered" ) file=paste(tempfile(),".docx",sep="") <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD print(doc, target =file)#>#> [1] "C:/Users/jfcollin/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpWari3b/file2ac4402d5404.docx"shell.exec(file)#>#> [1] "C:/Users/jfcollin/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpGUh2VY/file2f20196f354c.docx"shell.exec(file)#> [1] "C:/Users/jfcollin/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmp8oexhK/file30687edd322d.docx"shell.exec(file)#> [1] "C:/Users/jfcollin/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpwvypGw/filec5422d43528.docx"shell.exec(file)#> [1] "C:/Users/jfcollin/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpW2PZ3r/filee201ca0168f.docx"shell.exec(file)#> [1] "C:/Users/jfcollin/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpWw7By6/file405874df1694.docx"shell.exec(file)#> [1] "C:/Users/jfcollin/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpWwJ4u7/file35f074e555a.docx"shell.exec(file)#> [1] "C:/Users/jfcollin/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmpi29jZo/file4b382ae9b76.docx"shell.exec(file)#> [1] "C:/Users/jfcollin/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpeqkaF4/file2b7c56114c25.docx"shell.exec(file)#> [1] "C:/Users/jfcollin/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmpa6BHIT/file25b0639c13e3.docx"shell.exec(file)>>>>>>> refs/heads/Dev